
Am, is, are

Am, is, are
  1. What are is am are?
  2. Is Am are practice sentence?
  3. Is I am or are I am?
  4. Is Am are use in present tense?

What are is am are?

Is, am and are are simple present forms of the verb -to be. They are used to describe the state, feeling or condition that something or someone is in. Thus, is, am, are connect the subject to what is being said about the subject. For example: He is impatient.

Is Am are practice sentence?

Is am are का प्रयोग Affirmative Sentences में करना बहुत आसान है। सबसे पहले आपको वाक्य के कर्ता (Subject) रखना है। इसी के अनुसार is, am, are का प्रयोग करना है। और अंत में complement के रूप में आए हुए संज्ञा या विशेषण का प्रयोग किया जाता है।

Is I am or are I am?

'I'm' is merely a contraction of 'I am'. From Wikipedia: A contraction is a shortened version of the written and spoken forms of a word, syllable, or word group, created by omission of internal letters (actually, sounds).

Is Am are use in present tense?

Present continuous: form

We use am, are, is + the -ing form of the verb.

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